Imaginary 🔥 Inpho

The Republic by Plato - 9 - Educating Philosopher Kings

Book Ten


"The summit of the intelligible realm is reached when, by means of dialectic and without relying on anything perceptible, a person perseveres in using rational argument to approach the true reality of things until he has grasped with his intellect the reality of goodness itself."

Key Takeaways

Compulsory intellectual work never remains in the mind. Why does it seem like our entire education system is built in opposition to this idea? Although practicing math drills over and over did get those multiplication tables into my head pretty good.

We discern reality best when we don't rely on observing things we can perceive. This is another idea we don't seem to believe in, rightly or wrongly. We rely on evidence and data in order to understand reality. Our intuitions and abstract reasoning can mislead us very badly. What led Plato to distrust perceived reality the way he did, and to rely on dialectic so much more?

Though dialectic is about much more than intuition and abstract reasoning. It is about interrogating ideas, posing detailed questions, and bouncing ideas off others. That can be a powerful way of getting to the truth.

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