Imaginary 🔥 Inpho

The Republic by Plato - 7 - Philosopher Kings

Book Eight


"Unless communities have philosophers as kings ... there can be no end to political troubles."

Key Takeaways

True philosophers might make the best kings, but do true philosophers want to be kings? It's a common feeling today that most people who would be best suited to govern are smart enough to stay out of politics. It'll be one thing to convince people that philosophers will make the best kings, but it'll be another to convince philosophers to become kings.

Plato does address this a little earlier, though too, saying that it's the duty of good people to take responsibility of ruling or else the cost they pay is to be ruled by incompetent people.

Socrates has a personal deity. As he is describing the kind of person who can become a true philosopher, and the conditions it takes to develop a true philsopher, Socrates mentions that "it's not worth mentioning my own case — the communications I receive from my deity — because there's either very little or no precedent for the phenomenon."

Is that what makes Socrates such a famous philosopher? Having a direct line of communication with some kind of deity?
