Imaginary 🔥 Inpho

The Republic by Plato - 13 - The Afterlife

Book Fourteen


"Don't you realize that our mind is immortal and never dies?"

Key Takeaways

The case for the mind's immortality here is extremely dubious. First of all, there is usually more than one way that a thing can be destroyed. The body can be killed by illness, and it can also be killed from an injury, like being stabbed during a battle for example. And just because the mind isn't destroyed by immorality doesn't mean it's immortal.

I'm also curious about what Plato means by the mind. Is he talking about consciousness? Because, if so, there is a question about if consciousness can be destroyed, or if it can still exist after the body dies. In any case, Plato doesn't really spend a lot of time with this argument, and I'm sure he'd be capable of something more comprehensive than this if he wanted to.

The Republic seems to have been about a lot more than establishing why its best to live morally. Was Plato trying to describe what a good political system would look like? And a good education system? Not to mention why it makes sense to ban all poetry. How do these things all connect with the moral life? We'll look at this a little bit in the conclusion.

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