Imaginary 🔥 Inpho

The Republic by Plato - 10 - Democracy and Dictatorship

Book Eleven


"All right, then. How does dictatorship begin? I mean, apart from the fact that we can be pretty certain that it evolves out of democracy."

Key Takeaways

Dictatorship evolves out of democracy. This is a little bit shocking to read, but in light of the past number of years, it seems to have a ring of truth.

But what exactly is it about democracy that Plato thinks eventually leads to dictatorship? He seems to say that too much freedom makes a society too disorderly and chaotic. And the obsession with money creates huge class divisions which creates more instability. It's amazing to look back at Plato's description of this cycle, and to see elements of it playing out in front of us over 2000 years later.

You can also see why perhaps he believed his republic had to be so tightly controlled and constrained. He had to contend against these impulses in human beings to become greedy for money and rebellious against authority.

Ancient Athens is famous for being the birthplace of democracy. But it looks like Plato actually wasn't such a fan.

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