Imaginary 🔥 Inpho

Lives by Plutarch - 5 - Pericles



"His chief elements were hope and fear: he used these as rudders, so to speak, as he restrained the foolhardy elements among the people of Athens, and relieved and encouraged those who had lost heart."


Before diving into the life of Pericles, Plutarch gives us the reason why he wanted to write Lives in the first place.

"Now, since our minds have an innate capacity to enjoy learning and contemplation, does it not follow that it is reasonable to criticize people who waste this capacity on sights and sounds that do not deserve serious consideration, to the neglect of those that are fine and beneficial? ... Each of us has the capacity to choose to use his mind, to make a shift from time to time and to change direction with the greatest ease according to deliberate decision, and it therefore follows that we should go after what is best for us, so that we do not just see, but are also nourished by what we see."

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