Imaginary 🔥 Inpho

Lives by Plutarch - 3 - Themistocles



"Yes, you wretch, it's true that we have abandoned our homes and our city walls: we choose not to suffer slavery for the sake of lifeless objects. In actual fact, though, we have a city greater than any in Greece — our 200 triremes — which are standing by ready to help you if you want to be saved by them."

Key Takeaways

Themistocles played a key role in making Athens famous. The war against Persia is what establishes Athens' power and dominance in Greece. Themistocles not only sees the war coming ahead of time, he slyly convinces Athens to build a navy to help prepare for it, and he plays a key role in decisive battles to help Athens win, again using deception and trickery.

However, Themistocles is not a straightforward hero and he shows a few signs of being in it more for himself than for Athens. In Herodotus' account of the story, Themistocles sends his deceptive messages to the Persians pretending to be a defector to get them to attack, but also with the double purpose of putting him on the Persians' good side should they end up winning the war. Not only that, but he acts very arrogantly after the war to the point of being kicked out of Athens and hunted down by them. A very complicated, though consequential, hero, indeed.

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