Imaginary 🔥 Inpho

Lives by Plutarch - 2 - Solon



"The future that bears down on each of us is variable and determined by unknowable factors, and so we consider a man happy only when the gods have granted him success right up to the end of his life."


What does Plutarch think of Atlantis? He says that Solon went to Egypt and studied "with the most learned of the Egyptian priests." He also explains that Solon planned to write an entire history of Atlantis, but in his description he calls it a "history or legend of Atlantis." Which one is it, Plutarch?

It is amazing to think that Solon had plans to write a history of Atlantis. He was going to write it as an epic poem, too, something like The Iliad or The Odyssey. Plutarch says this story "was particularly relevant to Athens, according to the learned priests of Sais, who were his informants, but he abandoned it. His reason for doing so was because he was afraid that he was too old to complete such a lengthy poem."

Plutarch inserts himself and his opinions as part of the discussion between Solon and Thales on marriage. Thales advises against getting married. He thinks people become too overwhelmed and emotional over attaching themselves to someone. Plutarch takes this opportunity to tell us what he thinks:

"Rather than using poverty as a shield against loss of wealth, or avoiding friendship in order to guard against the loss of friends, or refusing to have children in order to protect oneself against their death, one should make reason one's defense against every eventuality."

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