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Lives by Plutarch - 11 - Aemilius Paullus

Aemilius Paullus


"Courage in those who meet with misfortune goes a long way towards enabling them to win the respect even of their enemies, but for Romans there is nothing more dishonourable than cowardice, even if the coward prospers."


Plutarch on the enjoyment he gets for himself writing these Lives:

"Although I originally took up the writing of Lives for others, I find that the task has grown on me and I continue with it for my own sake too, in the sense that I treat the narrative as a kind of mirror and try to find a way to arrange my life and assimilate it to the virtues of my subjects. The experience is like nothing so much as spending time in their company and living with them: I receive and welcome each of them in turn as my guest, so to speak, observe his stature and his qualities, and choose from his achievements those which it is particularly important and valuable for me to know. And oh, what greater delight could one find than this? And could one find a more effective means of moral improvement either?"

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